Saturday, 30 November 2013

Gingerbread men baking session!

Today, me and my buddy Sarah made gingerbread men! We (well I) are going to sell them at the end of my lecture on Monday :)

5 oz golden syrup
4 oz caster sugar
3&1/2 oz margarine
2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 lb plain flour
1 egg
pinch salt
1 tsp ground ginger

Here's some pictures of what we did :)

 This is Sarah while warming the mixture of golden syrup, sugar, ground ginger and margarine (well, we used butter).

 This is the mixture after we had added the bicarbonate of soda. It was so exciting! It kept growing :)

 We then made a little well in the flour (and pinch of salt) 

And added the golden syrupy mixture and the egg! :)

 This is Sarah mixing it all together :)

And here's what it looked like :)

Cutting up the dough to make the little men :)

Sorry about the bad quality of this one! Here they go in the oven :) Only about 10 minutes!

And here they're done! And ready to go in the Santa bags for selling on Monday :)

Hope you enjoyed this post and I'll update it as soon as we know how much we make on Monday :)


Christmassy song

Hi all,

Here's a song I uploaded to Youtube a couple of days ago that I thought I should share! I hope you enjoy it :)
Click here for the link to the video on YouTube :)

As always, click here to go to my Virgin Money Giving page and donate to East African Playgrounds!

Thank you!


Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Fundraising to do list!

Here's a few things that I am aiming to do in the next couple of months that I thought I would share :) Hopefully this will help me keep on track and let you know what's going on in the fundraising process

1. Get a permit for bucketing in York in January

2. Organize a bake sale for next term (already have loads of boxes and things like that)

3. Think about busking

4. Try and sell some CDs and songs online (if interested stay tuned!)

5. Sell some gingerbread men bags before Christmas (next week)

6. Get in touch with my Grandmother about asking for donations at her church

7. Send private emails/messages to people I know might want to donate

8. Make plans to fundraise while I'm in Italy (busking)

9. Make JAM with my buddy Sarah! (IT'S JAM FOR AFRICA)

10. Make a video for my Youtube channel promoting my fundraising page

11. Update my page and come up with an original idea (easier said than done!)

Once again here's the link to my fundraising page:

Thank you for reading! Any questions about the project, just leave a comment :) I'll be posting more info soon!


Sunday, 24 November 2013

Blog Introduction :)

Hey everyone!

Next August I will be travelling to Uganda to take part in an amazing project: building a playground in a local community :) Can you imagine a childhood without a playground? Without a place where you can just be a child and play? Hopefully we are going to change that for some very lucky (or maybe not so lucky) children! 

I'm going with a charity called East African Playgrounds, which is a really small charity founded just a couple of years ago, but that has built loads of playgrounds around Uganda already! I'm really excited about going with them :) If you'd like to know more go and visit their website:

This page is mainly going to be updates on how my fundraising is going and anything else to do with this project! Please follow me through this journey :)

If you'd like to donate to this cause, I need to fundraise £700 for the building materials! So please help with anything you can, or share this blog or my fundraising page with friends and family (which also helps out a lot!) Thank you! :D

Here's the link to my fundraising page