Sunday, 23 February 2014

February update!

Hi everyone :) 

Thank you so much to everyone who has donated in the last two months! I am now at 470, but have actually got some money that I collected in my bucket that needs to be added to that. Now, let's have a look at that to do list I wrote a while back :)

1. Get a permit for bucketing in York in January - That didn't happen :( but I am hoping we will get a permit in a couple of weeks!

2. Organize a bake sale for next term (already have loads of boxes and things like that) - DONE

3. Think about busking - still thinking about it...

4. Try and sell some CDs and songs online (if interested stay tuned!) - still working on that one, and maybe thinking of doing a small concert :)

5. Sell some gingerbread men bags before Christmas (next week) - DONE and it went pretty well :) thanks to all those who bought some!

6. Get in touch with my Grandmother about asking for donations at her church - this also hasn't happened yet :(

7. Send private emails/messages to people I know might want to donate - DONE :)

8. Make plans to fundraise while I'm in Italy (busking) - I don't think this is ever going to happen actually, Italy is just not much of a charity giving kind of place

9. Make JAM with my buddy Sarah! (IT'S JAM FOR AFRICA) - still a work in progress!

10. Make a video for my Youtube channel promoting my fundraising page - DONE! here's the link

11. Update my page and come up with an original idea (easier said than done!) - still haven't updated, but I think I have a good idea :)

So, all in all, I have done some things and am still planning others. Better than I expected really! Now I just need to concentrate on that bucketing, making some jam, and doing something involving singing :) 

As always, this is my donations page:

Thank youuu :)

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